Whether you enjoy swimming as a form of exercise or just as a fun family activity, safety should always be a top priority, unless you are particularly competitive in which case speed comes just as close. In this article we will focus on how beating bad swimming technique will lead towards swimming more efficiently.

Although you can keep your head above the water, you might sometimes feel like you always end up with a mouthful of saltwater from a trip to the sea or get overtaken by multiple swimmers during your laps across the pool. Still, you should never let such technical difficulties keep you from enjoying all the benefits of the sport.

In addition to discomfort, incorrect technique can also lead to an increased risk of injury. The most basic swimming style people learn is in itself not as innocent as it appears to be. Indeed, the familiar breaststroke has seen far too many tensed necks and frowns over the years from swimmers struggling to keep their heads above the water.

What are the risks associated with bad swimming technique?

One should not be entirely fooled by the low-impact aspect of the sport. Bad swimming technique can engender injuries anywhere. To recover all the wonderful benefits of this highly versatile and vigorous activity, learning how to swim efficiently is invaluable. Even though you are not jumping or rolling around, a day at the pool can leave you with aches and cramps in just as many parts of the body as the sport promises to work out.

Some of the most common types of injuries are associated to the shoulders and back. Swimming is all about practicing dexterity and agility. A rigid posture translates even more badly in the water as it can lead to misalignment of your chest, back and shoulders which ultimately need to cooperate effectively to keep you moving forward.

A lack of body rotation can create tension in your shoulders and back. It is also likely to quickly leave you out of breath or worse, have you swallow large gulps of water by restraining bilateral breathing.

Beating bad swimming technique - Swim more efficiently

It’s never too late to fix bad swimming technique

Whether you have been swimming with your head painfully arched up for many years or just a few months – it is never too late to relieve the strain. All you really need is some time to invest and a qualified instructor to make good use of it. Luckily, Going Swimmingly London readily provides the latter, and offers flexible private lessons to work around your schedule.

There’s no need to keep speculating about how some people manage to crawl so effortlessly when you could stop losing your breath today by booking your very own private swimming lesson.

A swimming instructor is all you need

No matter how many years it has been since your last swimming lesson, there is always a reason to improve your technique. Why keep paddling around when you could be investing all that energy into swimming more quickly and comfortably?

Luckily, Adam is here to throw you a safety buoy and help you get away from your bad swimming habits. Sometimes all you need is a knowledgeable instructor to point out any faux-pas and have the patience to assist you in correcting them. Adam will teach and guide you for as long as you need to reclaim confidence in your swimming skills.

No matter the age or level of experience, swimming is a skill always worth practicing. Whether you wish to explore new swimming techniques or just want to develop your confidence in the water, Adam is here to help you achieve your goals. In a city which somewhat gets more rain than sunshine, don’t wait for the sun to come out to get in touch and arrange a convenient time and place near London.