Swimming is a great exercise for everyone, regardless of age. Private swimming lessons in London are sought-after services, especially if you can find a coach who has experience and patience. Many people spend most of their time at work, and few of them do some type of exercise in order to boost their physical and mental energy. If you’re living in London and are looking for a private swimming teacher with a flexible schedule, feel free to contact Adam. Of course, you will first need to acquire some basic swimming skills that are essential for the swimming activity.

Basic swimming skills

Let’s take a look at these and see how can you learn or improve them, depending on your previous expertise:

1. Coordination

For experienced swimmers, coordination may seem like a piece of cake. However, for those who are about to start their swimming lessons, it is important to practice, practice, and practice! Beginners can easily find themselves insecure, just chopping through the water with their legs and arms. This is perfectly normal, and you shouldn’t become discouraged. It takes some time and a few swimming classes to get used to certain movements and the use of various muscles in your body. A professional instructor can help you from the very beginning, as it is much easier and efficient to have one-on-one swimming classes. If you feel that you need to work on your coordination, you have various options:

  •  Look for a local swim class
  •  Hire a private swimming teacher
  •  Opt for private swimming lessons in London, for toddlers, kids, adults, and the elderly as well

2. Gliding

4 basic swimming skills everyone needs

Gliding does not only offer a great workout for your body’s core muscles, but it also allows you to take a moment before preparing for the next stroke. It is very important to acquire this skill, since you will need it in various cases:

  • Before a stroke starts
  • Between strokes
  • Even after the end of a lap

Once you learned proper gliding, you can improve your swimming rhythm as well as increase the rate of swimming strokes. Once again, if you’re a beginner, you need to learn it correctly from the start. Some experienced swimmers often find themselves in need for further training when it comes to the basic swimming skills, so don’t hesitate to ask for guidance if you’re one of them. You’ll be one step closer to achieving your goals.

3. Breathing

If you ask the beginners, they may say that breathing is one of the hardest skills that they have to learn. Surely, for someone who is a first-time swimmer, it may cause problems. Many think of this skill as unimportant, but it’s worth mentioning that, without the proper breathing skills, it is hard to make coordinated movements. You need to learn that, when your head is underwater, you have to exhale both through your nose and mouth. Then you lift your head to the side, take a deep breath, and repeat the movement.

4. Timing

Another important swimming skill is timing. In order to make most of your swimming techniques, you need to work on the good timing of the arms, legs, and of course, body rotation. This is not something you can learn by reading about it. It takes practice and hard work. The first step toward acquiring this skill is to contact a private swimming teacher who will work with you and train you. Adam has a flexible schedule, which is a great help for those who only have a few hours of free time.

Summary of “basic swimming skills”

If you’re interested in private swimming lessons in London in order to work on your swimming skills, this is a great opportunity for both beginner and advanced swimmers.